Coordinated Assessment Model (CAM)

Under the HEARTH Act legislation, all Continuums of Care (CoC) are required to establish a coordinated assessment system which is comprehensive, accessible, and standardized. It is a systemic approach to homeless programming that focuses on aligning the needs of households that are experiencing homelessness with the best program to address their needs.

Through the common assessment and coordinated access approach, households that are in need of homeless assistance are directed to a common access point where they are assessed using a common tool. Based on the thorough assessment, a coordinated referral is made to the most appropriate service provider.

As of September 1, 2023, the Homeless Action Network of Detroit (HAND) will serve a three-year term as the lead agency of CAM to provide a community-driven system that strives to be a reliable path to housing. In collaboration with community partners Wayne Metropolitan Community Action Agency (Wayne Metro) and Community and Home Supports (CHS), HAND will be able to enhance CAM services through extended call center hours and in-person operations.

For more information on HAND becoming the CAM lead agency, go to

For more information on the Coordinated Assessment Model (CAM), refer to